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7th Pay Commission Big Update: Biggest Update on 18 Months Outstanding DA Arrears! Now the government will give this amount, not two lakhs to the employees

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7th Pay Commission big update: Central government employees can once again get good news. With the increase in DA, the government can also take a decision on the outstanding DA of 18 months (DA arrears of 18 months). In fact, the central employees have been demanding the payment of their outstanding DA from the government for a long time.

Central employees will get dues!

There is news in the media that the government can pay the outstanding DA of lakhs of employees next month. Actually, the central employees are continuously demanding the withheld DA from the government from January 2020 to June 2021. Earlier, there were repeated rumors that the government will transfer the 2 lakh rupees of unpaid DA to the employees’ accounts, but each time, the government rejected the rumours, and the employees’ wait is still ongoing. Now it is being told that the government is preparing to put a lump sum of Rs 1.50 lakh in the account of central employees.

may be decided in the meeting

Significantly, a meeting of the Joint Advisory Mechanism (JSM) of the officers of the Department of Personnel and Training and Department of Expenditure (DoPT) of the Ministry of Finance is to be held. In this, there can also be a discussion on the payment of DA arrears of employees. An announcement to increase DA is also expected in this meeting. Let us tell you that at present, DA is being given at the rate of 34 percent, but according to the data of AICPI, there may be an increase of 5 to 6 percent in DA in August.

Read More: 7th Pay Commission: Government employees got great news! Outstanding DA arrears money arrived in the account, check the account immediately.

18 months arrears

It is noteworthy that the government had banned 18 months of DA of central employees due to Kovid. After this, the DA of the employees was increased many times but till now the arrears have not been received. The workers are optimistic that the government would quickly pay their debts. However, till now there has been no official statement from the government on the payment and increase of the outstanding DA. Let us tell you that the employees will get DA dues as per their pay band.

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