Anjali Arora is quite active on social media, she regularly posts her own images and videos there. Anjali recently posted some of her Instagram photos wearing a short black dress, in which she appears stunning. Photos are also displayed.
In these photos
Anjali Arora is seen displaying her confident appearance while wearing a black dress, which is well-liked by the public.
Anjali Arora, the Kachha Badam Girl
has also made an appearance on Kangana Ranaut’s reality television program Lockup.
In the reality series Lockup,
his friendship with Munawar Farooqui was heavily highlighted, and viewers admired the two of them while they were together.
Due to an MMS leak
Kachcha Badam Girl was also in the news at the time, though Anjali disputed the validity of the video and claimed that she was the target of a defamation plot.
Anjali Arora, a raw almond girl
is quite active on social media and regularly posts her own images. On Instagram, Anjali has more than 12 million followers.
Read more: Rasika Dugal created panic in social media, wearing skin tight gown
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