No matter how frequently you utilize internet banking, there are still some tasks that require you to visit the bank. You can open a bank account, send money to someone, get a credit card made, and do many other things from the comfort of your own home, including applying for a loan.
However, there are some tasks that can only be completed by visiting a bank. If you’re in this circumstance and intend to visit a bank to complete some work, you should be aware that all banks will be closed for a total of 14 days in January 2023.
So, if you’re heading to the bank, finish your work first or wait till you’ve seen the list of holidays before you go.
1, 2, and 8 January
On January 1, 2023, banks nationwide will be closed due to Sunday and New Year. Then, while Aizawl and Mizoram will be celebrating the New Year on January 2nd, all states’ banks will be closed on January 8th due to the Sunday holiday.
11, 12, and 14 January
Due to Missionary Day in Mizoram and Swami Vivekananda Jayanti in West Bengal, banks will be closed on those days. As opposed to this, Gujarat, Karnataka, Assam, Sikkim, and Telangana will have a bank holiday on January 14 in honor of Makar Sankranti/Magh Bihu.
January 15, 22, 23, and 25.
Banks will be closed nationwide on Sunday, January 15. As well as on Pongal and Magh Bihu. On January 22, there will be no work at any state’s banks because it is a Sunday. In contrast, Assam will have a bank holiday on January 23 in honor of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti, and Himachal Pradesh will have one on January 25 in honor of Statehood Day.
January 26, 28, 29, and 31.
Republic Day is observed on January 26. As a result, it is a national holiday, and all banks are closed on that day. Banks across the nation will be closed on January 28. January 29 due to the fourth Saturday of the month. In addition, Assam’s banks will be closed on January 31 because of Midammee.
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