If you also anticipate the release of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi’s 14th installment, it may happen in the final week of May or the first week of June. However, Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar has already taken a new action to assist the nation’s farmers. The government has introduced a new app to prevent the sale of fake seeds. This app will be helpful to the nation’s 14 crore farmers.
Release of the Portal and Mobile App
The webpage and mobile app for the detection and validation of fake seeds have been issued by the Union Agriculture Minister. The portal and mobile app known as “Saathi” (SATHI App) (Seed Traceability, Authentication, and Holistic Inventory) were introduced by Tomar, according to a statement. It is a centralized online system for tracking, certifying, and storing seed quality.
To address the difficulties associated with seed production,
quality seed identification, and seed certification, NIC and the Ministry of Agriculture developed this app. Its topic, “Best Seed-Enriched Farmer,” was devised by NIC in association with the Ministry of Agriculture. On this occasion, Tomar stated that numerous plans and initiatives are being implemented in an effort to address the difficulties and issues the agriculture industry is now facing.
The Saathi portal’s initial phase has recently been released.
According to him, the “Saathi” portal is a crucial step in this direction and would have a revolutionary impact on agriculture. The minister said the “Saathi” portal’s first phase had barely begun. He gave the authorities specific instructions to make sure the second phase went quickly. In order for farmers to fully profit from it, he said that efforts should be made to raise awareness.
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