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Change your address in voter id card before Lok Sabha Election 2024 like this

voter id card

The 2024 Lok Sabha elections will be held in a few months. The nation’s largest general election is being held today, during which the nation’s leadership is chosen. To cast a ballot in this election, a voter ID card is essential. In this case, voting may be difficult if the address on your voter ID card is incorrect. You can apply online to have your voter ID card’s address updated. The address on the voter ID card will be updated if it is determined that your application is accurate.

The Voters ID card must be updated,

and to do so, you must first check in to the National Voters Service Portal at Next, select “Correction of entries in electoral roll” by clicking.

Following this,

you must click the Form-8 button to be taken to a new page where the required information must be entered. Here, you choose Self and press Submit.

You must choose the option

for “Shifting of Residence” below. Additionally, you will need to decide if you are moving inside or outside of the assembly constituency. Click OK after that.

After entering the data for your state,

district, assembly constituency, and parliamentary constituency, you must select the Next option. Next, provide your email address, mobile number, and Aadhaar number before selecting the Next option.

Next, to amend your address on the voter ID card,

input it and click on Supporting Documents. Click the Next option once the papers have been uploaded. Submit the form by entering the captcha code and clicking the button.

Following this,

your application was validated. Your voter ID will be updated with the new address if verification determines that your application is accurate.

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