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Do you also add rock salt to your food? See how it can be harmful to your health!

rock salt

Salt is just as essential to our bodies as sweetness is to the flavor of food. The flavor of eating gets gritty if salt is not supplied to the food or if it is reduced. However, salt consumption is closely monitored by those who value their health. Because of this, some people have started using rock salt, which has a low sodium content. Rock salt, pink salt, and Himalayan salt are other names for it.

Consuming too much might be poisonous to you

Its production does not include any chemical processes. It is known as perfectly pure salt for this reason. However, you might not be aware that consuming too much rock salt might be poisonous to you. Yes, there are negative effects of overindulging in anything. Similarly to this, your body can suffer a lot of damage if you use rock salt often. Please tell us if rock salt is damaging to you.

These significant issues might result from the excessive use of rock salt –

1. Goitre disease- Sendha Namak has a very little amount of iodine (iron), compared to regular salt. There is an iodine deficiency in the body if you consume it frequently and more in the diet. A person may experience goiter if their body does not receive enough iodine. Tell me where in the throat this sickness manifests itself as a lump. Individuals with this illness lose their ability to swallow and eat.

2. Patients with thyroid conditions– should be aware that rock salt lacks iodine, as we already mentioned. For this reason, it may also be detrimental to thyroid sufferers. Such thyroid sufferers ought to take table salt.

3. Low blood pressure risk- People who already have low blood pressure should avoid using Sendha Namak. That is, those who have low blood pressure should cut back on salt. Actually, rock salt contains a lot of potassium, which is good for people with high blood pressure but harmful for people with low blood pressure.

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