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DSSSB Teacher Vacancy 2023, more than 12500 vacancies available


A notice regarding the openings in the school operated by the DSSSB has been released by the Directorate of Education in Delhi. According to the notification, the DSSSB has more than 12664 teaching openings for PRT, TGT, and PGT positions. The next DSSSB Teacher Recruitment 2023 is for those who are interested in the DSSSB Teacher Openings.

The notification lists the number of openings for each subject and each job.

There are now 3904 teaching positions that can be filled. The demand for 8760 openings is now being processed, nonetheless.

In addition, the notification mentions departmental promotions

for the positions of principal (117 vacancies) and vice principal (1029 vacancies). Promotions within the department will be used to fill the Principal and Vice Principal positions. In addition to these openings, the Directorate of Education will make a request to fill 131 Vice Principal positions and 363 Principal positions.

On the DSSSB’s official website

the DSSSB Teacher Recruitment 2023 announcement will be made soon. The official DSSSB Teacher Recruitment 2023 Notification contains all the information candidates need to apply. Candidates, continue to get ready for the DSSSB Recruitment 2023.

Candidates should review the notification

to see if they meet the requirements for any of the teaching positions listed in it, including PRT, TGT, PGT, Vice Principal, Principal, etc. This will assist candidates in understanding eligibility requirements, including age restrictions, application requirements, exam patterns, syllabuses, and selection procedures, among other things.

In addition, a graphic shows that

as of April 1, there were 198 openings for the 4,060 Assistant Teacher (Primary) positions and 290 openings for the 34,105 Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) positions. Additionally, it notes that there are 3,904 vacancies for a total of 69,193 sanctioned teaching roles across 14 different categories and 863 vacancies for 950 sanctioned principal posts.

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