It’s a good time to arrive for the central government workers. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will unveil the nation’s budget at the Lok Sabha on the 1st of February. It is possible that she will make an additional announcement in the budget to boost the salaries of employees. The last time that the 7th Pay Commission came 8 years ago. In this scenario is the government going to declare that it will announce the 8th Pay Commission or will it create a new arrangement in place of it? It could be a huge announcement about this.
What is the outcome of the announcement by the 8th Pay Commission?
According to analysts of the political world that there will be general elections for the Parliament the next year. The performance of central workers is important. So the government will not leave a step unturned to attract this group of people. There is a strong belief that prior to the next elections in parliament, the government will announce a major announcement related to the increase in salary for central employees. However, employees’ associations demand the public announcement about an 8th Pay Commission for themselves. The employee claims that at the previous 7th Pay Commission, the employees received very small pay raises. In contrast, the government is thinking of creating an automated system for employees, in order that the salary of employees will be annually adjusted. To achieve this government, it is possible to announce the big news in the budget that is due to be released soon.
The government has declared its intentions explicit
The government’s plan is that rather than the announcement of the 8th Pay Commission for government employees, it is suggested that they receive adequate increments similar to private sector workers. A panel of government officials is also contemplating the issue. It has also clarified that there isn’t a proposal for creating an entirely Pay commission that is new in its structure being considered by it. In this situation, the likelihood of setting up a brand new pay commission is to be less likely in the present.
What is the position of the government on the allowance for dearness?
Employees received a variety of benefits under the 7th Pay Commission, which was implemented about eight years ago. In this arrangement, the allowance for the dearness of employees is reviewed every six months. This is why the salaries of employees have increased automatically in line with the revised allowance. Today, the eyes of employees are at the moment on the fact that after the introduction of this new scheme, the automatic revision of dearness allowance will remain like before, or some type of alteration will be introduced to it. All eyes are on this matter.
Read More: Before the budget, the Atal Pension Yojana received a major update!!
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