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Indian Railways made this decision for the first time in history, you will be shocked to hear

Indian Railways

The new action taken by the Indian Railways will astound you. Railways has made the decision to stop operating the remaining printing presses. Their contract may be transferred to independent contractors in the future. The Indian Railways Board made this choice as they moved closer to creating a digital India. When Piyush Goyal was the railway minister at the time, a decision was made in 2017 that included discussions of closing down the railroads’ printing press.

Indian Railways – Private vendors will be granted the whole printing contract.

Private vendors will receive the whole printing contract following the shutdown of these printing plants. Following that, steps were taken to shut down the printing press. Some were running at that time after the printing press had been shut down. Now it has been decided to close these as well. The Railway Ministry reportedly decided to close nine of the company’s fourteen printing units. The Railways continued to be in charge of the remaining 5 printing presses. These printing presses will now be shut down from the perspective of the railways.

It was stated to shut down the press in the letter from June 2019.

The decision to shut down the printing plants operating in Byculla, Mumbai, Howrah, Shakurbasti, Royapuram, Chennai, and Secunderabad was stated in an order from the Railways. It stated that it would shut down the press in a letter dated June 4, 2019. Following these developments, the topic of how future train tickets would be printed has emerged.

According to sources, the government will allegedly make an effort to contract with private printers in the near future.

The private printing press itself will provide the contract for producing tickets and other written materials. Now, Indian Railways intends to concentrate solely on train operations. According to data made public by the Railways, e-ticketing is used to book the majority of reserved tickets. In addition, e-ticketing is used to digitally book 81 percent of tickets.

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