People frequently have a lot of questions about smartphone batteries. Whether the phone can be left on charge overnight is the most frequently asked question. Can an explosion occur from leaving a phone charging overnight? People’s anxiety is understandable given the number of explosive occurrences that have been publicized in the past. Let us assure you, nevertheless, that the phone will not blow up unless there is an external issue or malfunction. Let us now provide you with the answers to these often-asked questions.
Does the battery get overcharged overnight?
Experts claim that the extra protection chips found in modern cell phones guard against overcharging. As soon as the battery reaches 100% charge, these chips force the charging to cease. Nevertheless, the battery will begin charging anew as soon as it reaches 99% if you leave the phone charging overnight. This could shorten the battery’s life.
As soon as the phone charging is complete, remove it from the charger
Avoid leaving your phone charging all night if you want the battery to last longer. Rather, charge it to 80% to 90% before disconnecting it. The phone’s battery life will rise as a result, and it will last longer.
What issues exist?
The phone will overheat if it is continuously charged. Specialists advise taking off the cover when charging. Remember that nothing substantial, such as a book, should be placed on the phone while it is charging. Even if you keep the phone under the pillow, don’t charge it.
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