In India, Motorola unveiled its first smartphone of the year. The Moto G34 5G is a reasonably priced 5G phone. It features an Android 14 operating system, a new Qualcomm processor, a fast-refreshing display, a large battery, and a camera that produces good pictures. This phone is now on sale in the nation, just one week after it was introduced.
Cost of the Moto G34 5G in India
There are two storage choices available for the Motorola Moto G34 5G. Priced at ₹ 10,999, the model with 4GB RAM and 128GB storage is less expensive than the variant with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage, which costs ₹ 11,999. There are three color options for this phone: light green, blue, and charcoal black. You can buy it from Flipkart or any big mobile store in India.
The phone has a huge
6.5-inch screen with a tiny camera hole in the center of it. The phone is speedier thanks to the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 CPU. It also includes 128GB of storage and 4GB of RAM. The most recent version of Android 14, which is what this phone is currently running, will soon be accompanied by a significant update.
Moto G34 5G Camera
The phone includes two cameras on the back: a 2MP close-up and a 50MP primary camera. The front of the device has a 16MP camera for taking selfies and making video calls. This smartphone contains a 3.5mm headphone jack, which is uncommon in modern phones, in addition to a memory card slot. Additionally, it boasts dual stereo speakers that enable Dolby Atmos, which provide great sound.
5G Battery for Moto G34
Last but not least, the phone boasts a big 5,000mAh battery that allows for 18W charging and is IP52-certified for water and dust resistance. This indicates that this phone charges rapidly and has a long battery life once charged.
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