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Nitin Gadkari made a major decision, government is bringing a new law!!

Nitin Gadkari

Nitin Gadkari, the minister of transportation for the union, has made a significant choice. The Union Minister will now introduce a new rule for truck drivers, through which the government will fix the hours of truck drivers so that nobody has to work too much. This comes after providing relief in the Toll Tax Rules.

In addition to this, nationwide traffic collisions will also be reduced. Nitin Gadkari has stated that new rules are being created by the government as a result of efforts being made to reduce road accidents by 50% by the end of 2025.

Do you remember what the Union Minister said?

The Union Minister stated that the Road Ministry is committed to reducing traffic accidents and the 4Es of road safety. Engineering, Enforcement, Education, and Enforcement – while taking part in a public outreach campaign called “Sadak Suraksha Abhiyan”.During Road Safety Week. In the areas of education and emergency treatment. Several actions have been done.

The workday duration will be decided

The minister reportedly stated that legislation to set truck drivers’ working hours will be introduced. According to a government statement made public on Wednesday. In order to promote “Safe Roads for All,”. The Ministry observed Road Safety Week (RSW) from January 11 to January 17 as part of Swachhta Pakhwada.

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