The Nothing Phone (1) has been launched in India and comes with a starting price of Rs 32,999 via Flipkart. Those who have pre-ordered this 5G phone will be able to get it for less than Rs 30,000 by availing of all the launch offers. It will be available for open sale on July 21. Hence, those who didn’t get a chance to pre-order it will be able to buy it after a few weeks. Here are 5 reasons why you might consider buying the Nothing phone and 2 reasons to avoid it.
Nothing Phone (1): 5 Reasons Why You Should Buy It
One of the key selling points of the -Nothing Phone (1) is its unique semi-transparent design. Currently, we are seeing brands pushing phones with almost identical designs, but nothing has been missed that innovation is still not dead and OEMs can do more than just offer phones with gradient finishes and different materials. can do. The device has flat edges and rounded corners. The design and feel will be reminiscent of an iPhone.
There are a few strips of lights on the back panel of the phone. The interesting thing is that the company lets you set specific light patterns for different smartphone functions and you also get to add sound effects to it, which is quite nice and fun to play. It has stereo speakers and lacks a headphone jack.
The device has a vivid screen and sunlight legibility is also quite good. The Snapdragon 778G+ is a tried and tested chip. As long as you stick to the default graphics (native) setting, it is capable of offering decent day-to-day performance for normal tasks and gaming.
-You get a clean and simple interface, which is rare nowadays. There’s no bloatware, which means you don’t get unnecessary third-party apps on the smartphone. Haptic feedback is great on this device. The device is running on Nothing OS, which is based on Android 12. The interface is near-stock Android. Nothing is promising to deliver three years of flagship Android OS and four years of security updates, which is good and then rare in the low price range.
Devices in the Rs-30,000 price range usually don’t have an IP rating and nothing phones have it. The Nothing Phone (1) comes with an IP53 rating, which means it’s splash resistant, but keep in mind that it doesn’t have any protection against submersion in water. It’s still better than nothing. The IP53 rating means it should be able to survive rain or splashes.
-The Nothing Phone (1) has a good enough camera and, in my opinion, can provide a slightly better photography experience than some of the mid-range phones in its segment. Color reproduction is really good in daylight. It misses some fine details, but Instagram lovers will be pleased with the results. We’ll publish our detailed review in a few days, so you can come back and check out samples of the camera.
Nothing Calls (1): 2 Reasons Why You Might Choose to Avoid It
-While brands like Samsung have stopped offering chargers even with mid-range phones, nothing is following it from the start. Yes, you do not get the charger in the retail box. You have to buy it separately.
The device has support for wireless charging, which is something you don’t find in the Rs 30,000 price range. However, there’s only support for 15W charging, which means your phone will charge very slowly. With brands now offering wired fast charging up to 80W in the same price range, no one would want to use a 15W wireless charger. Plus, you’ll have to spend extra on a Qi-compatible wireless charger. Nothing is provided with 33W wired charging support.
While the design is one of its major plus points, there is a problem some may have. The Nothing phone has a boxy design, flat edges, and a slightly wider screen, which makes it a bit difficult to use with one hand. The device is also a bit heavy. Additionally, you will need to buy a case to protect the glass back panel.
The fingerprint sensor is not the fastest and sometimes it takes 2-3 tries to unlock the phone.
While these aren’t deal-breakers, not having a charger in the box can be a problem for some. The company is charging Rs 2,500 for the 45W fast charger and Rs 1,500 for those who pre-ordered the device. If you are ready to spend extra on this, you can consider buying the device.
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