If you are traveling to Bihar-Bengal from UP or further UP the information below is highly beneficial for you. Based on the Railways department the process of doubling rail lines is in progress within Badshahnagar, Gomtinagar, Dollyganj, and Malheur stations in the Northeast Railway Lucknow zone. Because of this situation, it is reported that the North Eastern Railway has decided to suspend 10 trains that pass along this route. Railways have made available information on these trains to the general public. It is also worth looking at the list. There are places where your train isn’t included in the list.
Information on canceled trains
Train number15078 “Gomtinagar-Kamakhya Express” that is scheduled to Gomtinagar to Lucknow on February 27, 2023, will continue to be cancelled.
Train number 15077 “Kamakhya Gomtinagar Express” is scheduled to depart Kamakhya on the 28th of February, 2023, and is also canceled.
Train number 12530 “Lucknow Junction-Patliputra Express” starting from Lucknow Junction to Patna from 1 to 3 March 2023 is expected to be canceled.
Train number 12529 “Patliputra-Lucknow Express” running from Patna between 1 and 3 March 2023 will be canceled.
Train number 15203″Barauni-Lucknow Express” which runs from Barauni between 1 and 3 March 2023 will be canceled.
Train number 15204 “Lucknow-Barauni Express” which runs from Lucknow between 2 and 4 March 2023, is canceled.
Train number- 15269, ‘Muzaffarpur-Sabarmati Express’ running from Muzaffarpur on 23 February and 2 March 2023, will remain canceled (Holi 2023 Canceled Trains List).
Train number- 15270, ‘Sabarmati-Muzaffarpur Express’ running from Sabarmati on 25 February and 4 March 2023, will remain canceled.
Train number 11123 “Gwalior-Barauni Express” running from Gwalior between 22 February and 2 March 2023 will be canceled.
Train number: 11124 “Barauni Gwalior Express” which runs from Barauni between 23 February and 3 March 2023 will be canceled.
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