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Surya Grahan 2023, Amazing coincidence occurring after 100 years, know the effects

Surya Grahan

Important astronomical events include the solar eclipse (surya grahan) and lunar eclipse. Along with this, astrology and religion have both regarded eclipses as being particularly special. The first surya grahan of 2023 will take place on April 20. Additionally, today is Vaishakh Amavasya. This solar eclipse will be a hybrid solar eclipse, according to astrology. That is, although there will only be one solar eclipse, viewers will be able to see three eclipses in a single day. This is the reason this solar eclipse is referred to as a hybrid solar eclipse by scientists.

India’s surya grahan eclipse scheduled for 2023

On April 20, 2023, a surya grahan will take place for the first time that year. According to Indian time, this eclipse will begin at 7:04 am and terminate at 12:29 pm. In this way, the solar eclipse will last for 5 hours and 24 minutes. The sutak time of this solar eclipse will not be applicable in India because it won’t be visible there.

There will be 3 solar eclipses.

Due to the fact that it will take three different forms, the first surya grahan of 2023 will be particularly noteworthy. This includes solar eclipses that are partial, total, and annular. Partial solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes in front of a tiny region of the Sun and dim its light. An annular solar eclipse, on the other hand, occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the Sun’s light and leaving just a ring of light visible on the Earth’s surface. Ring of Fire is another name for it. On the other hand, a portion of the Earth is entirely enveloped in darkness when the Earth, Sun, and Moon are all in the same line. Total surya grahan refers to this circumstance.

How does a hybrid surya grahan occur?

Partial, complete, and annular solar eclipses will all be visible at various locations this time due to the solar eclipse. The solar eclipse will be one but its three sceneries will be visible in this way. The term “hybrid solar eclipse” refers to this combination. A circumstance like this only occurs once every 100 years or so. This occurs when the Moon’s distance from Earth is just right—neither too close nor too far.

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