In June of last year, WhatsApp launched the channel feature in India. The business is currently working hard to make this feature better. The organization is consistently striving to...
WhatsApp recently made changes to the way its chat backups are made. Your chats would have been automatically stored, but now they will occupy space in your Google Drive....
Similar to Facebook and Instagram, WhatsApp will now receive a blue tick. This little symbol shows that the account you are chatting with is authentic. Not everyone, though, will...
Everybody with a smartphone uses WhatsApp. WhatsApp is used daily by billions of people worldwide to interact with one another. Additionally, it enables users to exchange movies, images, and...
We use Google Maps to determine the distance to our destination and the anticipated level of traffic before embarking on any excursion. For frequent travelers, the most crucial feature...
Cybercrime is a significant issue. To stop this, the government keeps coming up with fresh initiatives. The Indian government had petitioned Google to take down fraudulent lending apps from...
Apple's latest high-end smartphone, the iPhone 16 Pro Max, is creating a stir in the international market. People are comparing its availability and cost...
In an attempt to streamline the payment claim settlement procedure, the Ministry of Labor has requested that the Employees' Provident Fund Organization accept Aadhaar...
Amazon and Flipkart have made their Republic Day sales public. There will be steep savings on household goods and cell phones throughout this period....