This work may be more challenging if you have future plans to obtain a personal loan or credit. It is true that prior to offering unsecured retail loans and...
According to the Finance Ministry, the goal of altering the FEMA law to include international credit card charges under the LRS programme is to bring tax features of payments...
The Reserve Bank's Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) now covers expenses incurred in foreign currency through payments made with international credit card. The Finance Ministry announced on Tuesday that expenses...
In January 2023, credit card outstanding reached an all-time high of Rs 1.87 lakh crore, up 29.6%, thanks to rising consumer confidence and quickening digitalization in the wake of...
Today, the majority of people are using credit cards. Making payments anywhere with credit cards is easy. Credit card holders can pay immediately towards the credit limit, then pay off the...
SEBI stated at the new platform's debut that investors frequently lack the ability to monitor their mutual fund investments over time. They don't remember...