The Infinix Inbook Y2 Plus, a low-cost laptop, is set to make its debut in the Indian market shortly. However, the formal launch has not yet been announced by...
In September, Wings Lifestyle launched the Nuvobook series, their entry into the laptop market. The company introduced the Nuvobook S1, S2, V1, and Pro, four laptop models. The starting...
You must be familiar with e-commerce platforms like Flipkart and Amazon. The products will receive a great offer here. But have you heard of the government-run e-commerce website? The...
Without a laptop, it would be impossible for us to carry out our everyday tasks. Keep your laptop on a table that is the appropriate height and sit in...
India's Android tablet industry is quickly heating up, and Lenovo is the newest OEM to introduce its Android tablet, the Lenovo Tab M9, to the country. Long-lasting battery life,...
By 2025, WhatsApp plans to stop supporting older Android smartphones. WhatsApp will stop functioning on Android phones running Android KitKat or later on January...
The Recruitment process for the position of Business Correspondent Supervisor has begun at the Central Bank of India. Interested parties have until January 3,...
Recruitment for Ministerial and Isolated Posts (CEN 07/2024) has been made public by Indian Railways. Online applications will be accepted starting on January 7,...