At the beginning of the month, Boat introduced the Boat Lunar Vista smartwatch. The second timepiece in the collection, known as Boat Lunar Mirage, has now been released by...
Smartwatch is now an integral element of our lives, similar to smartphones with the help of which you are able to keep track of your day-to-day routines and also...
You can view every smartwatch alternative available online, but only a select few of them will be able to fulfill your needs because they have robust features but deceive...
Amazon and Flipkart have made their Republic Day sales public. There will be steep savings on household goods and cell phones throughout this period....
Exams for Inter-First Year Students: Reducing students' academic stress and aligning the curriculum with national standards are the primary drivers of this choice.
Inter-board exams...
Employees may be tricked by crooks posing as EPFO authorities, the organization has warned. Your information could be misused by these thieves, who could...