In India, Samsung has released a low-cost smartphone that retails for less than Rs 10,000. This model is known as the Samsung Galaxy A05. Although there had been rumors...
At a price of Rs 12,499, Samsung has introduced the Galaxy A05s in India with a new 4GB + 128GB option. The smartphone is presently offered in three colors—Light...
Without any debate, Samsung introduced the Samsung Galaxy A05S and Galaxy A05 in Malaysia. Samsung can now introduce its low-cost smartphone to India the following week. Both phones' prices...
Next week, Samsung can release its two budget smartphones. The names of these two smartphones will be Samsung Galaxy A05 and Samsung A05s. Let us inform you that these...
Regarding Samsung impending Galaxy Tab S9 and Galaxy Tab S9 FE+, there have been numerous leaks and reports, but no official announcement has yet been made. For its Big...
Samsung's Galaxy A50 series has been incredibly well-liked. Its phones have generated a lot of interest. The company this year released the highly-discussed Galaxy A54 in India and on...
ESIC Recruitment 2025: To fill the open positions, the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has issued recruitment notices. Specialist positions are among the positions...
Apple's latest high-end smartphone, the iPhone 16 Pro Max, is creating a stir in the international market. People are comparing its availability and cost...