In Bollywood, grand marriages are taking place. Celebrities are getting married in exotic locations at a staggering cost. Nonetheless, some famous Bollywood people discreetly performed seven rounds of the temple without spending a single coin, and even their families were unaware of their actions.
Amrita Singh and Saif Ali Khan famous Bollywood couple
occasionally concealed their marriage from family members as well. They were both anxious about this choice, but their love was so strong that they were wed just three months after meeting. A few days later, they both made their marriage public.
Archana Puran Singh and Parmeet Sethi
Another wonderful Bollywood couple love story involved Archana Puran Singh and Parmeet Sethi. Despite being deeply in love, Parmeet’s family disapproved of their relationship. As a result, they both made the decision to get married one night. They arrived at the temple at midnight, where the priest sent them away with the instruction to return the next morning. Both arrived at the temple the following day, got hitched, and then resumed their jobs.
Divya Bharti and Sajid Nadiadwala
is not alive right now. Whether it was an accident or something else, her death was always kept a secret. But, the biggest mystery that surfaced following her passing was the fact that she and Sajid Nadiadwala had been married, but she had kept this information a secret from everyone.
Debina Banerjee and Gurmeet Chowdhary
who used to work together as TV’s Ram Sita, were unaware of the moment they dedicated their hearts to one another. They even got married after that, although they disguised their marriage from their family for a long time.
Mahi Vij and Jai Bhanushali
The announcement of Mahi Vij and Jai Bhanushali’s marriage also caught everyone off guard. Their union came as no surprise at all. When Mahi was spotted at a wedding with a mangal sutra around her neck, their marriage was made public.
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