The simplest solution in the event of an unexpected financial necessity is a personal loan. If you’re considering getting a personal loan as well, you should be aware of bank processing costs and interest rates. Personal loans from banks typically have higher interest rates. Your employment status, bank relationship, and credit score can all have an impact on the interest rate.
The second-biggest private bank
in the nation, ICICI Bank levies annual interest rates on personal loans ranging from 10.65% to 16 percent. The processing fee levied by the bank is 2.50% + tax.
The biggest private bank in the nation is called HDFC Bank.
The bank charges between 10.5 and 24 percent in interest on personal loans. However, there is a set processing cost of Rs 4,999.
Corporate applicants are charged 12.30 to 14.30 percent
interest by the State Bank of India (SBI). Employees of government departments are subject to interest rates ranging from 11.30 to 13.80 percent. For workers in the defense industry, it ranges from 11.15 to 12.65% annually.
Government workers
can apply for loans from the Bank of Baroda at interest rates ranging from 12.40 to 16.75 percent annually. In addition, loans from private sector employers have yearly interest rates ranging from 15.15 to 18.75 percent.
PNB offers
loans to customers at interest rates ranging from 13.75 to 17.25 percent annually, contingent upon creditworthiness. Employees of the government are eligible for interest rates ranging from 12.75 percent to 15.25 percent.
For personal loans,
Kotak Mahindra Bank levies an annual minimum interest rate of 10.99 percent. However, the loan fee increases to almost 3 percent after taxes and administrative fees are added.
For personal loans,
Axis offers interest rates that range from 10.65% to 22% annually. Personal loans are offered by IndusInd Bank at an annual percentage rate of 10.49 percent. The charges a 3 percent processing fee for loans between Rs 30,000 and Rs 50 lakh.
The monthly installment
for a five-year loan with an interest rate of 10.50 percent is Rs 2149. The EMI rises to Rs 2224 if the interest rate for the same time and amount is 12%. An EMI of Rs 2379 is payable at 15% interest. The interest on the EMI climbs to Rs 2485 at 17 percent and to Rs 2539 at 18 percent.
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