Avoid clicking on these messages to prevent your account from scams!



A global report on scam messages has been released by security company McAfee. This informed phone users and highlighted seven scams that scammers were using to take money from consumers. According to the report, 82% of Indians who clicked on these emails were tricked. We’re going to tell you about those seven messages today, so pay attention.


When you receive a message saying

you’ve won something, proceed with caution. This letter can be a fraud meant to obtain your credit card information or money. The message might have a few minor adjustments, such as how the prize is described. However, the likelihood of it being a hoax is 99%.


Offers of jobs via SMS or WhatsApp

are never to be trusted. These platforms are not used by reputable businesses to provide jobs. This kind of message should be ignored.


Be cautious if you receive a bank alert

message over WhatsApp or SMS requesting that you complete your KYC. It’s probably a fraud. Such communications are frequently used by scammers to obtain your financial or personal information. This kind of message should be ignored or reported.


It is a fraud if you get an

update regarding a purchase you did not make. Such emails are used by scammers to obtain your financial or personal information.


Scammers are leveraging messaging to deceive

smartphone users into subscribing to Netflix or other over-the-top (OTT) services, as these services are becoming more and more popular. After a membership expires, these communications may come in the form of instant messaging or free trials.


If you receive messages via WhatsApp

or SMS indicating a missing delivery or other delivery-related difficulties after making a purchase, pay attention. It’s probably a fraud.


Be cautious if you receive a message

purporting to be an update to your account or a security alert from Amazon. This could be a fraud. You won’t ever receive such critical alerts via SMS or WhatsApp from Amazon or any other e-commerce company.

Read More: ICC gave shock to this player before semifinal of the World Cup

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