Learn to use the Debit card properly to save your hard-earned cash. It is best for your safety that you take precautions when transacting. Additionally, care should be taken to satisfy all of your financial requirements, boost personal security, and lower the possibility of fraud and identity theft. Here, we provide you with some advice on how to keep your debit cards secure in such a scenario.
How to keep your debit card secure
- Bear in mind your PIN. It should not be written anywhere on the debit card or in any other place.
- Treat your credit and debit cards like currency.
- Take a receipt with you while using an ATM. Additionally, if you conduct any transactions outside, obtain a receipt there.
- Report the card’s loss or theft right away. Give the bank this information as well.
- Watch your card closely while making purchases. Carry your card with you at all times since handing it to someone is like giving them cash.
- Ensure that you receive your card back following each purchase. If any transaction-related activity disturbs you, call the bank right away to report it.
- From time to time, keep reviewing your bank statement.
- Never swipe your debit card in a suspicious-looking area.
- Never give anyone your card. Never leave your debit card unattended.
- Before storing your card information anywhere when making purchases online, make sure the website is secure.
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