The social media market now has a rival app to Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, has introduced the Threads app. Over 100 nations, including India, have launched this app. Both iOS and Android users can get Threads. Within just two hours of its opening, more than 2 million people had already signed up. Meta wrote in a blog post on Wednesday, “Threads is a new app created by the Instagram team to share text updates and engage in public discussion.”
A feature called “Threads Ke Dhansu”
If you use your Instagram account to check in, you can post up to 500 characters. Then you can include photographs, videos, and links up to five minutes long. An open social networking protocol called ActivityPub will be added to it by the company. This will enable new forms of connections that aren’t now available on most social apps, Meta explained. “Threads will be interoperable with other apps that also support the ActivityPub protocol, such as Mastodon and WordPress.”
Will be as well-liked as Instagram
Users of Threads can connect with friends and artists who share their interests, including those they follow on Instagram, just like they can on Instagram. Additionally, when a user under the age of 16 (or under the age of 18 in some countries) joins the App, they are immediately given a private profile. Additionally, users have control over who can mention or respond to them in threads.
Users can add hidden words to their threads.
Just as on Instagram, to filter out comments that include certain words. By pressing the three-dot option, users can also unfollow, block, ban, or report a profile on a topic. They will automatically block any accounts they block on Instagram on threads.
CEO declaration
The CEO and founder of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, said on his Threads account on Thursday that “Threads has crossed 2 million sign-ups in the first two hours.” He stated, in a different Instagram post, “Our vision is to take the best parts of Instagram and create a new experience to text, think, and discuss what’s on your mind.” I appreciate each of you for joining Threads from the beginning since I believe the world needs communities like this one.
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