Coronavirus rising again in India, the center has requested to conduct mock drills



You’re doing yourself a disservice if you think the Corona outbreak is history. The number of cases of corona throughout the nation has begun to rise once more. All states have been urged by the federal government to increase testing and hold practice exercises to gauge their readiness.Coronavirus

In India, corona instances have started to rise once more.

Corona caused the deaths of 4 individuals in the previous day. Three of the patients who passed away were from North India. During this time, 1805 new patients entered the nation simultaneously. In the previous 7 days, more than 6.57 lakh new cases have been reported globally. The world experienced 4338 deaths from corona during this time.Coronavirus

Almost 10,000 active cases were reported.

The Ministry of Health reports that there are currently 10,000 300 active Coronavirus cases in India (Coronavirus Update in India). A maximum of 2471 of these instances are from Kerala. Following that, Maharashtra recorded 2117 cases, Gujarat 1697, Karnataka 792, Tamil Nadu 608 and Delhi 528. According to the states where deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours, the coronavirus appears to have taken across North India as well as South and Central India. From Gujarat, Himachal, Gujarat, and Chandigarh, one death has each been reported. Moreover, Kerala has noted two elderly deaths among those caused by corona in the previous 24 hours.Coronavirus

India is ranked seventh in the world.

If we look at the total number of cases during the past three years, India (44,705,952) has the most corona patients, followed by the USA (106,102,029). Nonetheless, India is currently ranked seventh globally according to the daily new cases. The top spot is held by Russia with 10940, followed by South Korea with 9,361, Japan with 6,324 and France with 6,211, Chile with 2,446 and Austria with 1,861 and India in seventh place with 1,805.Coronavirus

Infected 9.9 crore individuals in China!

The weekly positivity rate in India (Coronavirus Update in India) is currently 0.08 percent and the daily positivity rate is 0.08 percent. As China continues to withhold accurate statistics, the WHO estimates that there are now 99 million corona-infected people in China. There have been 120,775 fatalities as a result of this. 54,449 infections have been registered in China over the past seven days.Coronavirus

Patients are growing as a result of this variant

More cases of Corona’s XXB 1.16 strain are surfacing across the nation. The Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium’s data contain this information (INSACOG). Given the circumstances, the federal government has urged the states to speed up the corona vaccine process and put the corona protocol in place. In addition, a mock drill to assess the hospitals’ readiness has been requested.

Read More: Has the fifth wave of Covid-19 arrived in India?

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