In India, the idea of an autonomous vehicle was still deemed futuristic. But a new business shocked everyone by releasing the first autonomous vehicle in India. That is, self driving car will soon be driving on the nation’s roads. The Autonomous Driving System-based first ZPod automobile was unveiled by Bengaluru-based startup business Minus Zero. Its form is comparable to several autonomous vehicles on the market worldwide and is around the size of a toaster. This car can drive itself in a variety of circumstances and weather thanks to its self-driving camera-sensor suite.
Self driving car – The Minus Zero Zpod’s lack of a steering wheel is among its most notable features.
Instead, it analyses driving conditions—including traffic—using high-resolution cameras. The business claims that the autonomous vehicle can be upgraded to Level 5 autonomy, the maximum level possible for a self driving car. A level 5 autonomous vehicle can operate on its own, without any help from a human.
How do camera sensors operate?
The camera sensor on the zPod can take real-time pictures of the area around the car. Systems using artificial intelligence (AI) are given access to these images. The AI uses photos to steer the car, regulate its speed, and even make it halt in order to avoid obstructions. Minus Zero uses camera technology rather than pricy sensors like other self driving cars on the global market.
Read more: Leave your charger now, your smartphone will be charged by sticking to your body!
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