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PM Kisan Update, Husband-wife will now get Rs 6,000 each under PM Kisan

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi News

PM Kisan Update: The 12th installment of the PM Kisan Yojana has been paid into the farmers’ accounts. In the meantime, it’s becoming apparent that this method now benefits both the husband and the wife financially. Describe the new regulations that the government has released.

13th installment from PM Kisan: The recipients of the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana have crucial news. The regulations governing this program are frequently changed by the government. This plan is among the government’s most ambitious ones. Following this, the government transfers 6000 rupees, or 2000 rupees annually, in three installments to the farmers’ accounts.

Significantly, this plan has changed a lot since it was first implemented. The regulations regulating qualifying up until the application has undergone several revisions. The PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is now being discussed as something that both the husband and the wife could benefit from. On this law, the government has provided information.

Who will profit from this?

The PM Kisan Benefits under this scheme cannot be used by both the husband and wife, according to the information provided on the PM Kisan Yojana website. Anyone caught doing this will be labeled a phoney. Now, the government will attempt to collect money from these farmers. However, in addition to this, there are numerous other provisions in the scheme’s rules that disqualify farmers. Farmers who take advantage of this program but are not eligible must return all installment payments to the government. Tell us the most recent information.

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