The England squad is currently on a five-match Test series tour of India. Hyderabad’s Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium will host the opening game on January 25. Star batsman Virat Kohli decided to skip the first two games of the series for personal reasons before it began. Rajat Patidar, who is blazing hot at the bat, has now been added to the team to replace him. We would like to inform you that Rajat Patidar, who plays for India A, recently struck a century against the England Lions. He secured his spot in the squad by scoring two hundred in five days, staking his claim to be a member of Team India.
Kohli won’t participate in the first two Tests.
For personal reasons, Virat Kohli has chosen to skip the opening two Test matches of the series against England. The team management had granted Kohli’s request, which he had made. “The board and team management have extended their support to the star batsman,” the BCCI stated in a statement. “BCCI respects his decision.” The rest of the team is seen to be capable of putting in a strong performance in the forthcoming home Test series against England. The BCCI is requesting that the public and media respect Virat Kohli’s privacy at this time and refrain from making assumptions about his circumstances. The Indian cricket squad needs to be concentrated to meet the forthcoming Test match obstacles.
Patidar’s opportunity
Rajat Patidar, a 30-year-old batsman, has been called up to the Indian team for the opening two Test matches. His recent performance with the bat indicates that he is hot. Last week in Ahmedabad, he hit 151 runs against the England Lions. He had played an inning of 111 runs in a practice match against this same opposition four days prior. After the previous year, he traveled to South Africa with the India A squad. He hasn’t yet made his debut, though. Whether or whether he gets to make his debut in the forthcoming series against England is still up in the air.
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