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Why shouldn’t you consume leafy vegetables during the rainy season?

leafy vegetables

You must be aware of the advantages of eating leafy vegetables, by the way. However, did you know that during the monsoon season, consuming green veggies will help you instead of being harmful as well? Numerous infectious diseases can spread during this monsoon season. Yes, the wet season promotes the growth of diseases. As a result, there is a higher danger of infectious disorders including food poisoning, diarrhea, and cold-and-flu fever spreading. This is the reason that during this time of year, food and drink should be given a lot of thought.

Experts are cautioned to use caution when consuming green leafy vegetables

We’ll explain why people avoid eating green vegetables. In this circumstance, it’s important to watch what you eat and drink during this season in order to avoid being sick.

Germs can be found in leafy vegetables

In marshy environments, where leafy vegetables typically grow, various bacteria, viruses, fungi, insects, and other disease-causing organisms can thrive. Sunlight assists in sanitizing the soil for the rest of the season. However since there is less sunshine during the monsoon, the leaves are more susceptible to becoming diseased. To the naked eye, these microorganisms are invisible.

Steer clear of these vegetables

This is the rationale for specialists’ recommendations against consuming green vegetables like fenugreek, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, particularly during the rainy season. These veggies have a high risk of contamination due to their interwoven leaves.

The risk of foodborne illness

During rainy days, it is best to refrain from eating spinach and other green vegetables. Food poisoning is a possibility because of this. Their leaves are covered in a lot of tiny bacteria called e-coli, which are resistant to washing.

Take these safety measures

Leafy vegetables shouldn’t be wholly avoided during the monsoon season, according to some specialists. Remember that they require a little more caution when cooking and eating. These matters listed below must be taken care of in this article.

Wash the leafy vegetables with rock salt or vinegar

Wash the vegetables in warm water with a little rock salt or vinegar before using or cooking. which will aid in removing the bugs and bacteria that are on them. They’ll effortlessly split apart from the vegetables.

Keep an eye out for insects

Before cooking, carefully inspect veggies for insects. Make sure there are no insects within by carefully inspecting. During the rainy season, stay away from eating green leafy vegetables in restaurants and dhabas.

Vegetables taste better when they have been cooked

Another suggested method for preventing stomach illness is to boil veggies before making any dish. Even so, you can substitute other seasonal vegetables like tinda, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, pumpkin, and sweet potato in your diet if you’re trying to avoid eating green leafy vegetables during the monsoon.

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