YouTube Offer Buy YouTube gifts on Diwali with a subscription of Rs.10; Ad free fun for 3 months



YouTube Premium Account: The biggest problem with entertainment on YouTube is the interruption of ads. If ads are to be removed then money will have to be spent on premium subscriptions. On the occasion of Diwali, YouTube has come up with a great offer for its users. Through this, you will be able to enjoy ad-free video streaming for just Rs 10, and that too for three months.

for whom is the offer

This offer of huge discounts on a YouTube premium account subscription has come only for Indians. To subscribe to such YouTube premium, Rs 129 has to be spent per month. According to this, a total of Rs 393 will be spent in three months, but through this offer on YouTube, you can take advantage of this facility for just Rs 10.

How to take advantage

By going to your YouTube account, you have to go to the option of YouTube Subscription Offer. You can avail of this new offer by paying online.

Benefits of the offer

The month of October-November is full of festivals. In times like these, you can double the fun of festivals by playing ad-free music by taking a cheap subscription to YouTube.

You can save YouTube ad-free videos for later.

You can take advantage of this ad-free service on desktop as well, during festivals you can enjoy talkies on YouTube with the whole family at home.

– The benefit of the offer is for a long time. If you are troubled by the paucity of time in Diwali then you can enjoy this offer later by subscribing now.

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