Creepy Places: These are the most mysterious places in the world, where it is forbidden to go!



There are many such fascinating locations in the world that are also quite threatening and hazardous. You can learn about them using Google Maps but never think about going here. Let’s know about the creepy places of the world.

Vatican Secret Archives, Italy

Vatican Secret Archives, Italy

Along with Christians, a person of every religion wants that he must visit Vatican City once. This small country is famous for its beauty along with religion. It boasts amazing architecture, art, and its own history, yet one particular area of the holy city is off-limits to visitors. This place is the ‘Vatican Secret Archives. It is one of the oldest libraries in the world, containing ancient books and texts for the Pope. About this place, people believe that there are books in this library, in which evidence of the existence of aliens can be found.

Mezgory, Russia

Mezhgorye, Russia
At first glance, Mezhgorye may seem like a Russian city, but this is a misconception, as Mezhgorye is known as a closed city. Only a few selected people are allowed to come here. If you decide to travel here uninvited, you will face straight death. Some believe the city’s residents are working on a top-secret nuclear project around Mount Yamantau.

Area 51, USA

Area 51, USA
Area 51 in the US is one of the most mysterious places in the world and certainly one of the most restricted. Some believe that this is where the government is hiding alien corpses, UFOs, and extraterrestrial remains from crash sites. Former employee Bob Lazar claimed in 1989 that he worked in ‘Sector Four’ of Area 51, which was located underground inside the Papooj Range near Papooj Lake. He claimed that he was contracted to work with alien spacecraft, which was owned by the government.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway

Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway
More than 250 million seeds are hidden in a vault in the North Sea on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is placed here in the event of the end of the world, in order to revive human civilization. These seeds have the ability to withstand any natural calamity or any kind of explosion, but only researchers with valid permits can go here.

Bohemian Grove, US

Bohemian Grove, US
Bohemian Grove is a protected mysterious place. Every summer at this place in California, USA, a weekend camp is organized for the world’s most powerful men. This includes everything from politicians to musicians. It is a restricted 2,700-acre site. After more than 40 years of membership, it is stated that former US President Herbert Hoover was given Old Guard rank. You probably want to know what the people who go here actually do, but nobody knows anything about the guests invited here.

Site-R, USA

Site-R, USA
Situated in the Raven Rock Mountain Complex in Pennsylvania, US, Site-R is one of the most mysterious places in America. Behind its massive steel doors lies an underground nuclear bunker, 60 floors below the surface. In close proximity to the Blue Ridge Summit. It was created in view of the situation of nuclear war or foreign invasion. This place is inaccessible to humans, but you can see it on Google Maps.

Read More: Mystery: Such a mysterious thing appeared in the sky, people said – is ‘magic’ coming again on earth?

Snake Island, Brazil

Snake Island, Brazil
No one in the world would like to visit this place. Visiting this island is no less than a nightmare. The Brazilian Navy is to be thanked for banning travelers to this nightmare site. This place in the world is known as Snake Island. The real name of this island is Ilha de Queimada Grande, where more than 4 thousand dangerous snakes live. These include the golden lancehead, one of the most venomous vipers on the planet.

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