CBSE changed their board exam pattern! know the latest pattern



It can be a little challenging for kids who memorize the material, but it will be simpler for kids who practice the principles to pass the test. In actuality, there will be a significant shift at the Central Board of Secondary Education. The board has decided to alter the format of its exams, which will take effect with the 2025 CBSE board test.


This is how marks will now be awarded.

The evaluation process has replaced the previous question structure implemented by the CBSE Board. The final class 11 and 12 results show a reduction in the overall grades for each subject. Now students will get 20 percent marks based on assessment, practical exam, and project work done by them. It will be necessary for students to break the habit of cramming before tests. The revised CBSE Board test structure will help students. Students who learn by rote, however, could run into some issues. To break the habit of kids cramming information without understanding it, competency-based questions will be developed for them under the new exam pattern of the CBSE Board for classes 11 and 12. Students’ critical thinking and problem-solving abilities will also be strengthened, and they will be more equipped to handle the difficulties of real life.


MCQs, case-based, and source-based questions

from the CBSE class 11 and 12 syllabus will all be included in the new exam format. There will be an increase in the percentage of competency-based questions from 40 to 50. Apart from this, short and long-answer questions have been reduced from 40 to 30 percent. This format may be a little different for students preparing for the exam by memorizing, they may have to work harder to study according to this pattern.

CBSEStudents will gain from this modification to the CBSE exam format.

The rise in competency-based questions will encourage students to apply more practical skills in their coursework. Which will improve their comprehension of all subjects and topics. Students would need to adjust their study habits. And way of thinking to achieve higher scores under the new marking policy. By doing this, kids will be able to concentrate on their education all year long rather than just finishing it at the last minute.

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