Good news before PM Kisan 14th installment, government will provide this thing for free



If you are also qualified for the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, this information would be helpful to you. The government has a number of programs in place to help farmers financially. PM Kisan Samman Nidhi of the Central Government is in charge of the most ambitious project. Currently, the Jammu and Kashmir administration has as its goal the revival of millet farming on 8,000 hectares of land inside the union territory.PM Kisan

Full-fledged subsidies program

The first step in this procedure will be to provide farmers in 10 districts of the Jammu region with 100% subsidized seeds of seven types of coarse grains. In addition to expanding the production and consumption of coarse cereals in the union territory, the administration approved a Rs 15 crore project in February of this year to promote nutri-cereals. According to officials, the project intends to raise output from 10 to 20 quintals per hectare and revitalize traditional millet growing on around 8,000 hectares of land.PM Kisan

PM Kisan – The objective is to encourage the growing of coarse grains.

According to the Additional Chief Secretary of the Agriculture Production Department, the project’s goal, which will be put into action in three years, is to encourage the cultivation of coarse grains, along with raising their worth and giving farmers new business opportunities. The agricultural department has set aside 1,400 hectares for millets as part of the scheme, and seeds are being given to farmers with a 100% subsidy.PM Kisan

1,400-hectare area of land set aside for the production

The Agriculture Department has designated 1,400 hectares of land in 10 districts of the Jammu division for the cultivation of coarse grains, according to AS Reen, Joint Director of the Agriculture (Input) Department. Millets come in seven different types. The farmers would be able to purchase seeds with practically 100% subsidies. Reen claimed that the government is offering a grant of between Rs 4 to 5.25 lakh to farmers who want to start a small processing facility.

We are pushing establishments that serve coarse grains, he declared. To encourage the introduction of food based on coarse grains, they are given a subsidy of Rs 2 lakh. Because of their resistance to climate change, millets are called “miracle grains” or “crops of the future.”

Read more: Toll-Tax rules changed! Nitin Gadkari provided this information

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