World aids day 2022: Due to the stigma attached to the condition, receiving a diagnosis of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) frequently causes a person’s social life to come to an abrupt halt.
For single infected individuals who worry about becoming alone and without a life partner, it is even worse.
The King George’s Medical University (KGMU) in Lucknow’s Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) centre is aware of the plight of AIDS patients.
It has been assisting them in finding a compatible match. Additionally, the ART centre supports such patients in becoming parents.
In the most recent instance, KGMU assisted a 28-year-old Sitapur resident and his 26-year-old Lucknow wife in becoming proud parents of a healthy kid.
A little over two years ago, ART officials set up the couple’s initial meeting. They eventually got hitched.
HIV-positive single men and women are informed at the ART centre about other patients who may become their potential partners.
If they express interest, we offer counselling and matchmaking assistance.
In the past seven years, we have officially blessed 67 unions of HIV-positive men and women, according to Dr Bhaskar Pandey, a counsellor at the ART centre at KGMU.
We also go over all the important information with the couple regarding conception and pregnancy,” the doctor stated.
Most of the time, medication and vigilance can enable an HIV-positive mother to deliver a healthy baby. More than 30 couples who met at the ART centre are now parents.
In these situations, the ART centre’s intervention is essential since there is a possibility that the newborn would get HIV from HIV-positive parents.
After that, a test is performed to determine their HIV status, according to Dr Pandey.
Doctors claim that HIV can be transmitted from an infected woman to her unborn child during pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding.
However, medical care for the woman and her child might lessen the likelihood of a contraction.
The non-infected spouse of a married pair is always in danger of getting the illness, according to Dr Abhishek Shukla, secretary general of the association of foreign doctors.
As a result, it is advised that HIV-positive men and women get married. Such a couple can make plans to have children while receiving medical advice.
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