Vastu Shastra, Goddess Lakshmi will come to your home if you plant this tree



Where vegetation is increased by trees and plants. In terms of the environment, it is also regarded as being quite appropriate. Certain plants have been regarded as being particularly fortunate in Vastu Shastra. They help spread and bless pleasant energy throughout the home. the manner a Tulsi plant is planted makes Goddess Lakshmi happy. According to this, when the bilva tree is planted, Goddess Lakshmi moves inside the home.Vastu Shastra

The name of Lord Shiva

immediately comes to mind upon hearing the name of the Bilva tree. Bilva leaves have been presented on the Shivling for centuries. Lord Shiva holds Bilv Patra in high regard.Vastu Shastra

You are aware that Maa Lakshmi stays there

thus by worshipping it, one receives the blessings of both Maa Lakshmi and Lord Shiva.Vastu Shastra

According to astrology

if a person plants a bilva tree in their home, they won’t experience any financial issues. It is stated that by giving food, kheer, sweets, and other items while seated beneath the Bilva tree, poverty never enters a person’s home.Vastu Shastra

According to Vastu Shastra, growing a Bilva tree

Lord Shiva’s blessings are attracted. By doing this, all of the unfinished work is finished. There is no lack of money if the root of the Bilva tree is bound in scarlet cloth and stored in the home’s safe.Vastu Shastra

It is said that

if this tree is watered with pure water, the ancestors would be content and will bestow their blessings. Experts in Vastu Shastra believe that pairing together White Aak and Bilva trees will grant you the blessings of both Lord Shiva and Mother Lakshmi.

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